
Created by Captain Toron Pax on Wed Oct 12, 2022 @ 6:50pm


The VTT Foundry is a program that works in a similar way to Roll20. The benefits of Foundry are seemingly limitless. Once the STA system was uploaded we had access to the STA system. This included character sheets, dice roller and so very much more. Once a character is inputted you can select aspects (skill rules) and roll and the foundry will work out the success rate ect. It allows for dynamic maps, tokens, NPC and ship sheets and information pages that can either be open for players to read, or reveleved as part of a story. The only problem is that foundry doesn’t come preloaded with all the items, traits, skills ect and so a lot of work is needed to add it all into the system so that the game runs smoothly. As anyone who has ever done data entry will know, these kinds of tasks are not hard, just time consuming and tedious!


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