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Ensign Lee Jasper

Name Lee Jasper

Position Medical Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 170Lb
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Lee generally looks like a deer in the headlights.


Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lee is a quiet guy and a wall flower. He avoids too much drama and action and prefers to stick to studies, medicine, and quiet activities like reading.

Lee was given up for adoption when he was a preschooler and has both a great deal of love for his adoptive family, but anxiety about others liking him. he doesn't feel interesting or important enough, and he's afraid of rejection so he never tries. He observes the lives of others from a distance.
Strengths & Weaknesses Bookish. Observant.
A ball of nerves concerning anything outside of medical, where he's more in his element.
Still learning how to manage patients who are more difficult personalities. Often relies on his seniors or looks for affirmation before moving ahead with his more difficult diagnoses.
Ambitions To learn more xeno biology and to one day lecture at Starfleet medical
Hobbies & Interests designing xenobiology holo-models for surgical practice

collecting old surgical tools and manuscripts.

reassembling his biological family tree


Personal History
Service Record

Character Sheet

Character Sheet